(562) 417-7449 Lakewood (562) 343-6749 Florence
(562) 417-7449 Lakewood (562) 343-6749 Florence
Electrologist in California must complete a minimum of 25 technical (hands on) hours for sterilization and 200 hours of health & safety before we take our State Exam.
Hands are washed between each client and washed after cleaning work station. Disposable (single use) gloves are used for each client after washing hands. Laundered linens are used for each client. ALL probes are pre-packaged, sterilized, single use and disposed of after use in a Sharps container. Eye shields and probe tips are sanitized and disinfected. Tweezers are sanitized and sterilized.
We use disinfectant that kills the AIDS Virus (HIV-1). Also kills “Athlete’s Foot” fungi. Effective against Herpes Simplex Type 1 and 2. EPA approved hospital grade.
We adhere to CDC guidelines for sterilization, disinfection and antisepsis.
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